The life I'm enjoying

Monday, March 2, 2009

Malaysiaku Gemilang

Woke up quite early today to beat the rush hour traffic. Wanted to get a better seat at the Parliament today. Still got myself into a little jam on the Sprint.

Courtesy of Flickr.

Drove into Jln. Parliament and the security checkpoint was a breeze. They didn't even bother to check my trunk. I could have brought Semtex with me and threw it at Najib to make him into Altantuya stew and the police won't even know. Talk about national security, Hah! who cares.

Got a good seat in the House and had a full view of everything. I saw Anwar. Yeah! you the man!
There wasn't much of a debate in it but then came a point where arguments were so heated, MPs were hurling insults over each other and along tagged the shouting, high pitched laughing and table-slapping. They did it as if it would put hair on their privates. I am most amused when the Lord Speaker didn't even utter a sound. No warning to the troublemakers and definitely didn't pitch in the use of authority then.

I have had the privilege to attend some Parliamentary sessions in Singapore and hell, you would not even want to compare. I think we are really lucky that our chairs are rooted with high pressure screws or I might have to observe a mini Taiwan today.

It could be the fact that the house enjoys immunities for what they say. Probably due to this, the nation's most secure facility has been turned into a chest-thumping and taunting playground for our representatives. Seeing that, I pondered on the extent of civility of our knighted people. Again, first class Parliament, third class people. How low can you people get? What a shame.

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